Mutation Engine Title Enhanced
Allows for a complete Overhaul of the Title Screen
Required Plugins
Allows for many features and other options
Plugin Params
--Command Window--
Exit Game Show: This tells the game weither or not to add the exit Command
Exit Game Text: The text that is shown for the Exit Game Command
Command X Eval: Use this to adjust the X position of the title command window
Command Y Eval: Use this to adjust the Y position of the title command window
Command Layout: Use this to change the way things are drawn (availible Vert and Hori)
Command Win Opac: This adjusts the opacity of the background of the Versioning Window(-1 = use default)
Command Back Opac: Set this to 0-255 to set the opacity of the Ver Window Background(-1= use default)
Command Font Size: Set this to what you want the font size to be of the version window(-1 = use default)
--Version Window--
Enable Version: This allows you to show what version your game is currently running
Version Text: This tells the game what to draw when the Version Window is Enabled
Version Prefix: this is used to draw icons and so forth
Version Suffix: this is used to add things using the commands
Version Width: This allows you to modify how wide you wish the version window to be
Version Opac: This adjusts the opacity of the background of the Versioning Window(-1 = use default)
Version Back Opac: Set this to 0-255 to set the opacity of the Ver Window Background(-1= use default)
Version Font Size: Set this to what you want the font size to be of the version window(-1 = use default)
Version Height: Setting this allows you to change the height of the Version Window
Version X Eval: Setting this allows for custom placement of the Version window on x axis
Version Y Eval: Setting this allows for custom placement of the Version window on y axis
--Title Image And Text--
Title Text: This tells the game what to draw, type None to disable text set to Null to use default
Title Image Name: Set to Null to disable, otherwise use filename without extention to file in your img/picture folder
Title Image Hue: This allows you to update the game to change the Hue of the image you use
Title Font Size: allows you to adjust the games title screen font size
Title MaxWidth Eval: allows you to choose custom width for game title
Title Y Eval: Allows you to place the title at a different y axis
Title X Eval: Allows you to tell game where to place the title on the x Axis
Title Outline Width: Allows for custom width on the outline of the title
--Other Options--
Skin Only: this tells the game not to use the games Window Tint
Version Skin only: Tells the plugin to only use window skin for the version window
Command Skin only: tells the plugin to only use window skin for the Title Command Page
Custom Skin: Changing this will allow you to change the custom window background(put false to disable)
Custom Version Skin: Changing this will allow you to change version windows Skin, Overrides Custom Skin
Custom Command Skin: Changing this will allow you to change Command Window SKin(false to disable, overrides Custom Skin)
--Command Text Options--
Options Prefix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
Options Suffix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
New Game Prefix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
New Game Suffix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
Continue Prefix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
Continue Suffix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
Exit Prefix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
Exit Suffix: used with any type of command that can be used with the message system
Latest Updates
Updated for second Image and Hue
Updated for Version Height,X and Y Evals
Updated For custom Skins
Updated to allow for more features
Renamed the plugin Options for better look and feel
(if your upgrading please make not of your settings very few will be kept)
Updated Help File
Updated to Include few more customization Options
Updated to give a exit command
updated to give a special feature without overriding any functions
Initial Release
Note Tag Data
Plugin Commands
Script Calls
Latest Screenshots
Extra Features to Note (For Scripters Only)
So for this plugin i decided to go an extra step and enable special features such as
if you wish your plugin to add a new command to the Title Command page simply add a statement
at the bottom of your plugin
you can also use the statement (if (Imported.MUE_TitleEnhanced)) that way it only runs that code if this is running on peoples games your script is being used on
!NOTE: all the values need to be in "" because they are all evaluated at run time :)
replace symbol with the symbol you wish to use, if it already contains that symbol it will be ignored IE: "options"
replace 'bind' with the binds you wish to use IE: "this.commandOptions.bind(this)"
replace text with the text you wish the game to show via your command
if you do not need to use an eval you can leave maineval alone and only put 3 parts or you can put "" and it will ignore it
then to add custom Abilities to the text simply call
replace symbol with what symbol you wish
replace prefix and Suffix with the message codes you wish to use
(Be warned not all of them will work or be all the good in truth, ones that work right and have been tested are the color codes
so what does this do, well what it does is when you add a command via the perious function
it then when the title scene is loaded it evaluates that code then adds all the proper commands
at creation
What does this do?
well it makes it so when you add a command you do not have to keep overriding or aliasing the two functions that are used for adding commands to the title which should help increasing game speed :)
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