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Dec 5, 2015

MUE_TitleEnhanced Version 1.3 is out

I have finally got the Title Enhanced to a Level where im ready to put it down for a few days, so what has been added, well where is a rundown  of all the features that currently is included

Title Command
  1. You can change the layout from the normal Horizontal layout to a vertical layout
  2. You can change the color of the menu options by using \C[Color Code]
  3. Although you can use codes like \I[] and other codes currently they do not look well
  4. you can use Javascript codes to tell the game exactly  what x and y you wish the commands window to draw to
  5. Ability to change the total opac, and the back opac
  6. Ability to change the font size
  7. ability to enable a exit game command
Version Window
  1. You can choose to show it or not
  2. You can customize the text
  3. you can customize the Back opac, and the normal opac
  4. you can use color codes to customize the text color
  5. You can customize the width of the version window
Title and Background
  1. You can customize the Text of the title you wish to show or turn it off, or use default
  2. You can customize the Size of the title
  3. Can choose the custom image to show 
  4. You can now show a custom hue on the image that your using
Other Options
  1. You can choose to disable the tone of the windows on the title screen
Command Text options
  1. You can customize the texts with a prefix and suffix to use with the text codes

Any Features you feel I missed feel free to comment and give your ideas on the Plugin's topic
and I hope you enjoy